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浙江大学 哲学博士(2009)


2009-2012 浙江大学人文水仙直播 博士后

2012-2013 新加坡国立大学亚洲研究院博士后

2013-2019 中国农业大学人文与发展水仙直播 副教授、教授

2016-2017 斯坦福大学生物医学伦理学中心富布赖特访问学者


Science, Technology and Society 协作主编(2014-2017)

East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 书评编辑(2012-2014)、顾问委员会委员(2015至今)

The Hinxton Group: An International Consortium on Stem Cells, Ethics & Law(国际干细胞、伦理和法律联盟成员)(2010至今)










[1].Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner*, Haidan Chen and Acim Rosemann, 2018, Regulatory capacity building and the governance of clinical stem cell research in China, Science and Public Policy , 45(3), 416-427. (SSCI)

[2].Haidan Chen*, 2017, Reflection on the governance of clinical stem cell research and applications in China, Regenerative Medicine , 12(6), 593–597. (SCI)

[3].Lan Lü and Haidan Chen*, 2016, Chinese Public’s Risk Perceptions of Genetically Modified Food: From the 1990s to 2015. Science, Technology, and Society . 21(1), 110-128. (SSCI)

[4].Haidan Chen*, 2016, Book Review People’s Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier, New Genetics and Society , 35(1), 97-99. (SSCI/SCI)

[5].Haidan Chen*, Benny Chan, and Yann Joly, 2015, Privacy and Biobanking in China: A Case of Policy in Transition. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics . 43(4), 726-742. (SSCI/SCI)

[6].Haidan Chen* and Tikki Pang, 2015, Human Genomics in Asia. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences , 2nd edition, Vol 11. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 318–322.

[7].Haidan Chenand Tikki Pang*, 2015, A Call for Global Governance of Biobanks, Bulletin of World Health Organization , 93, 113-117. (SCI)

[8].Haidan Chen*, 2014, BIONET: Herbert’s Road Toward China, in Valediction for Herbert Gottweis, BioSocieties , 9(4), 475-477. (SSCI)

[9].Johannes Starkbaum*, Haidan Chen and Herbert Gottweis, 2014, Publics and Biobanks in China and Europe: A Comparative Perspective. Asia Europe Journal , 12(3), 345-359. (SSCI)

[10].Haidan Chen*, 2013, Governing International Biobank Collaboration: A Case Study of China Kadoorie Biobank, Science, Technology and Society , 18(3), 321-338. (SSCI)

[11].Gregory Clancey* and Haidan Chen (special issue guest editors), 2013, Asian Biopoleis: Biomedical Research in ‘The Asian Century’,  Science, Technology and Society , 18(3), 267-273. (SSCI)

[12].Haidan Chen*, Herbert Gottweis and Johannes Starkbaum, 2013, Public Perceptions of Biobanks in China: A Focus Group Study, Biopreservation and Biobanking, 11(5), 267-271. (SSCI/SCI)

[13].Haidan Chenand Herbert Gottweis*, 2013, Stem Cell Treatment in China: Rethinking the Patient Role in the Global Bio-Economy, Bioethics , 27(4), 194-207. (SSCI)

[14].Ayo Wahlberg*, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner, Guangxiu Lu, Ole D?ring, Yali Cong, Alicja Laska-Formejster, Jing He, Haidan Chen, Herbert Gottweis and Nikolas Rose, 2013, From Global Bioethics to Ethical Governance of Biomedical Research Collaborations, Social Science and Medicine , 98, 293-300. (SSCI)

[15].Christian Haddad*, Haidan Chen and Herbert Gottweis, 2013, Unruly Objects: Novel Innovation Paths and Their Regulatory Challenge. In Andrew Webster (editor), The Global Dynamics of Regenerative Medicine: A Social Science Critique , Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 88-117.

[16].Herbert Gottweis*, Haidan Chen and Johannes Starkbaum, 2011, Biobanks and the Phantom Public, Human Genetics , 130(3), 433-440. (SCI)

[17].Haidan Chen*, 2011, Cord Blood Banking in China: Public and Private Tensions, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal , 5, 329-339.

[18].Haidan Chen*, 2009, Stem Cell Governance in China: From Bench to Bedside? New Genetics and Society , 28(3), 267-282. (SSCI)






[1].瑟乔·西斯蒙多.《科学技术学导论》. 许为民.孟强.崔海灵.陈海丹译. 上海: 上海世纪出版集团. 2007.






[5].新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策水仙直播 资助项目:生物样本库的全球治理Global Governance of Biobanks(2014-2015) (共同负责人Co-PI with Tikki Pang)

[6].参与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助项目:国际直接面向参与者的基因组研究的管理Regulation of International Direct-to-Participant Genomic Research(2018-2021)

[7].参与加拿大国际发展研究中心(IDRC)资助项目:家禽养殖小区对改善小型饲养户生计的生态健康评估 Eco-Health Assessment on Poultry Production Clusters (PPCs) for the Livelihood Improvement of Small-scale Poultry Producers(2011-2014)

[8].参与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助项目:协调隐私法促进国际生物样本库研究Harmonizing Privacy Laws to Enable International Biobank Research (2014-2016)

[9].参与英国经济社会研究理事会资助项目:全球生物医学创新治理的国家策略:中国和印度的影响State Strategies of Governance in Global Biomedical Innovation: the Impact of China and India (II)(2012-2015)

[10].参与新加坡国立大学和新加坡教育部项目:Asia Biopoleis: Biotechnology & Biomedicine as Emergent Forms of Life & Practice (2011-2013)

[11].参与英国经济社会理事会项目:State Strategies of Governance in Global Biomedical Innovation: the Impact of China and India (I) (2010-2011)

[12].参与奥地利科学研究部基因组项目:Biomarker: Towards the Governance of an Emerging Medical Technology(2009-2012)

[13].参与欧盟REMEDIE项目:Regenerative Medicine in Europe: Emerging Needs and Challenges in a Global Context (2008-2011)

[14].参与欧盟BIONET项目:Ethical Governance of Biological and Biomedical Research: Chinese and European Cooperation (2006-2009)