时间:2023-03-06 08:48:00 来源:
姓名 |
周婷 |
出生年 |
1984 |
研究领域 |
家庭养育与儿童心理健康 情绪调节与压力应对 |
电子邮件 |
学位 |
博士 |
职称 |
助理教授 |
职务 |
无 |
教育经历 |
2010,9-2014,7 北京大学心理学系 理学博士 2008,9-2010,11 新加坡国立大学心理学系 社会科学(心理学)硕士 2003,9–2008,7 北京大学公共卫生水仙直播 医学学士 |
工作经历 |
2019.4至今 水仙直播-水仙直播视频-水仙直播app 医学心理学系 2014,7-2019.3 北京中医药大学管理水仙直播 |
学术团体任职 |
中国心理卫生协会青年工作委员会委员 |
社会兼职 |
校内开设课程 |
本科生课程:医学心理学、文化心理学、中国人的心理特点与健康维护 研究生课程:心理学质性研究方法 |
学术论文 |
[1]. Zhang, C., Zhou, T*., Yi, C., Liu, S., Hong, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Adaptation and validation of the parental behaviour scale for autism spectrum disorder in Chinese parents. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 98. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2022.102048 [2]. Zhou T., Zhang C.,& Yi C*. (2022) Caregivers and Interventionists: Developing a Dual Role Behaviors Scale for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Family Process, doi: 10.1111/famp.12831 [3]. 周婷,王倩,周方等; 重大传染病防控背景下医务人员的疫情相关工作应激与心理症状的关系:工作倦怠的中介作用和组织支持的调节作用;中国临床心理学杂志; 2022,30(2):354-358 [4]. 胡蝶,周婷*; 抗疫信息呈现对医护刻板印象及挫折就医情境中患方认知的影响;中国临床心理学杂志; 2022,30(5)1032-1038 [5]. 张畅,周婷;父母洞察力与儿童早期发展关系的研究进展;中国儿童保健杂志;2022,30(10): 1095-1098 [6]. 刘在田,胡蝶,赵秀玲,杨秀丽 & 周婷.(2022).父母情绪社会化与儿童问题行为:性别与气质的作用. 中国健康心理学杂志(12),1835-1841. doi:10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2022.12.016. [7]. Zhou, T., Xu, C., Wang, C., Sha, S., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y., . . . Wang, Q. (2022). Burnout and well-being of healthcare workers in the post-pandemic period of covid-19: A perspective from the job demands-resources model. BMC health services research, 22(1), 284-284. doi:10.1186/s12913-022-07608-z; [8]. Chen, C., Guan, Z., Sun, L., Zhou, T.*, & Guan, R. (2022;2021). COVID‐19 exposure, pandemic‐related appraisals, coping strategies, and psychological symptoms among the frontline medical staff and gender differences in coping processes. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(1), 111-120. //doi.10.1002/acp.3902 [9]. Zhou, T., Guan, R., Rosenthal, S. L., Moerdler, S., Guan, Z., & Sun, L. (2021). Supporting health-care workers and patients in quarantine wards: Evidence from a survey of frontline health-care workers and inpatients with COVID-19 in wuhan, china. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 705354-705354. //doi.10.3389/fpubh.2021.705354 [10]. Zhou, T., Guan, R., & Sun, L. (2021). Perceived organizational support and PTSD symptoms of frontline healthcare workers in the outbreak of COVID-19 in wuhan: The mediating effects of self-efficacy and coping strategies. Applied Psychology : Health and Well-being, , 13(4), 745-760 //doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12267 [11]. 周婷, 官锐园, 浦浙宁, 赵伟, & 孙立群. (2020).新冠肺炎抗疫一线医护人员的急性应激反应及相关因素:有调节的中介模型分析.中国临床心理学杂志,2020,28(04):751-755. [12]. 周婷,夏光明.儿童过敏性疾病与注意缺陷多动障碍的关联及相关机制研究进展[J].中国儿童保健杂志,2019,27(05):519-522. [13]. Zhou, T., Wang Y., Yi, C. Affiliate stigma and depression in caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in China: Effects of self-esteem, shame and family functioning [J] Psychiatry Research 2018, 264, 260-265. [14]. Wang, Q., Zhou T., Gao J. et al. Attachment, Social Support, Resilience and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Chinese Adults Living with HIV/AIDS [J] Journal of Loss and Trauma 2018, 23(2),113-127. [15]. Zhou, T. & Yi, C. Autism as an Infantile Post-trauma Stress Disorder: A Hypothesis [J]. Journal of Mental Disorder and Treatment 2017, 3:1 DOI: 10.4172/2471-271X.1000142 [16]. Zhou, T., Onojima, M., Kameguchi, K., & Yi, C. Family structures and women’s status in rural areas of Xining, China: A family image study in the villages of Qinghai province. [J]. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 2017, 23(1), 89-109. [17]. Zhou, T., Shang, Z., & Wang, D. Emotion Suppression in Multiple Social Contexts and its Effects on Psychosocial Functioning: An Investigation with Chinese Samples [J]. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2016, 19, 311-324 [18]. Zhou, T., Li, X., Pei, Y., Gao, J. & Kong, J. Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Subthreshold Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [J]. BMC Psychiatry, 2016, 16: 356 [19]. 周婷, 易春丽. 行为抑制性、父母特质焦虑与学龄前儿童行为问题的关系[J] 中国临床心理学杂志, 2016, 24(5), 828-832 [20]. Wang, Q., & Zhou, T. The impact of family functioning and mental health condition on the child's behavioral problems [J]. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2015, 43:1135-1146. [21]. 周婷, 李宇欣. 基于互联网的运动干预项目——提升大众体育行为的新途径[J]. 体育科学(6), 2015, 73-77. [22]. Zhou, T. & Yi, C. Parenting styles and parents’ perspectives on how their own emotions affect the functioning of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [J]Family Process, 2014, 53:67–79. [23]. Zhou, T. ,Yi, C., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. Factors Impacting the Mental Health of the Caregivers of Children with Asthma in China: Effects of Family Socioeconomic Status, Symptoms Control, Proneness to Shame, and Family Functioning [J] Family Process 2014, 53: 717-730. [24]. Zhou, T. &Bishop, G. D. Culture moderates the cardiovascular consequences of anger regulation strategy. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2012, 86:291-298 [25]. 周婷, 王登峰.情绪表达抑制与心理健康的关系[J] 中国临床心理学杂志 2012, 20(1):65-68 |
学术专著 |
易春丽 周婷[M] 重建依恋:自闭症的家庭治疗 世界图书出版社 2018 |
学术译著 |
教材 |
其他成果 |
科研课题 |
1. 父母省映功能降低青少年抑郁症状的效应:亲子情绪沟通的中介作用检验及干预研究 北京市教育科学“十四五”规划2022年度青年专项课题 主持 2. 全国学生心理健康及影响因素专项调研 教育部,2021年,子课题负责人; 3. 基于心身医学理论的体检评价指标与体系研究,2021年,国家心理健康与精神卫生防治中心,参加; 4. 新型冠状病毒肺炎患者及一线医务人员心理状况、需求及心理防护体系构建研究,2020年,北京大学社科部,参加 |
表彰获奖 |
2019年度医学部青年教师教学基本功竞赛二等奖; 2020年度水仙直播 特别贡献奖(教育教学类) |