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【水仙 讲堂第82期】医疗照护中的话语——社会语言学在急诊交流研究中的影响和启示

    2019年11月22日下午两点,英国华威大学应用语言学系Jo Angouri教授应邀到水仙直播 进行学术交流,并带来题为 “医疗照护中的话语——社会语言学在急诊交流研究中的影响和启示(Talking in, as and for caring——The impact and relevance of sociolinguistic research in medical emergencies)”学术讲座。北京航空航天大学外国语水仙直播 任伟教授、水仙直播 医学伦理与法律学系陈海丹副教授,以及本院和外校相关领域的老师和学生参加了讲座。讲座由水仙直播 医学语言文化系李芳副主任主持。

    讲座中,Jo Angouri教授首先介绍了与英国医院产科急诊合作进行的医患交流社会语言学研究项目,扎根于一手的田野数据与医患互动的视频资料,重点关注医护人员团队内部交流,着重介绍了如何将其研究成果应用于医护人员培训项目,改善产科急诊医疗团队的整体表现。Jo Angouri教授还特别分享了医学与社会语言学交叉研究的学术发表经验,以及如何扩大医学社会语言学交叉学科研究的学术影响力。最后Jo Angouri教授提出,将社会语言学理论与医疗沟通实践相结合的跨学科研究未来在改善医患沟通方面将发挥更积极重要的作用。

    讲座结束后,在座师生与Jo Angouri教授展开了积极热烈的讨论,获益匪浅。

【主讲人简介】Jo is Professor and the Academic Director for Education and Internationalisation.  She is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. Jo is also co-directing two international research networks, one under the Warwick-Monash Alliance on Migration Identity and Translation and one under AILA on Migrants in Working Life which have brought together a range of established scholars, early career researchers as well as non-academic stakeholders. She is the founding editor of Language at Work series (Multilingual Matters). The newly- established high-profile series for multidisciplinary research in Workplace Studies and she is also co-editing Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, a flagship series for John Benjamins. She has strong presence and involvement in research policy and works for the UK Economic and Social Research Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. In the last ten years she has published 60 refereed papers, three special issues, two books, three edited volumes and two conference proceedings. Her current research focuses on boundary crossing, institutional interaction, political discourse and ideology and has addressed the complexity of language and migration, particularly with reference to accessing employment in a new country. 

(供稿:医学语言文化系 黄芳)